Sam right after his 1st haircut. Check out that belly!
My mom & Sam eating lunch on the front stoop.
Sorry for the delay in posts. We're at my mom's house in Cincinnati. A week ago today we were in Omaha and had a dreadful night. We got a really gross hotel room after a very long day. Sam woke up at 2:30 am and we could tell he was going to be up a while so we decided just to hit the road. We were on the road by 4:00 am. We couldn't bear another night in a hotel and another day of fast food so we drove straight to Cincinnati.
It's been such a great week. My mom has loved the time with Sam. Ian cut Sam's hair for the 1st time, I've gotten to see some old friends and I'm actually getting a lot of drawing done. They'll be posted soon.
Yesterday we lost electricity for about 18 hours. Hurricane Ike blew through. I've never seen such wind and there is some major wind in LA. The power is still out in parts of Cincy but ours came on this morning. Whew!
My show at Lab 101 opened Saturday night. If any of you out there went I would love to hear how it looks and what the turnout was like.
This coming weekend we're going to Gatlinburg, TN for my cousin Francis' wedding and then on to Asheville for a few days and then back to Cincy until the end of the month.
We're not really missing LA but we sure do miss our friends!