Sam loving the fire truck at a local "Farm Day"
Sam on a haystack at "Hey Day"

Sam at the playground
It's been so long since I've posted. Sorry about that. We're staying in a temporary house with no internet access so it's been difficult to find the time to check emails much less blog. But I thought I'd post a quick update. We're closing on a house on Monday in West Asheville. Yay! The process took longer than we thought but we finally did it and we're so excited.
We can't wait to see our stuff again. It's been in storage since early September. We also can't wait to get some different (and warmer) clothes. Being from California we didn't really pack the appropriate clothes to move us into a proper fall and winter. I've been wearing the same jeans every day for the past couple of weeks.
It's raining here now and Ian heard on the radio last night that there was a 100% chance of rain today. We NEVER heard that in LA! Too funny.
Sam is doing great. We go to the botanical gardens everyday and let him run around. He loves it. He also loves our new house. Mostly because it's big and empty right now so he doesn't hear "No, Sam" every 5 minutes.
Once we're settled (hopefully next week) I can frantically start fulfilling orders that have been placed while we've been on the road. Sorry to all out there who have had to wait for their prints. It's my first priority once I get my printer set up.
I'll try to post more once we're settled.
Congratulations and welcome!
Hey Melissa
I miss you!!!
Sam is sooo cute!!
Good luck with everything Melissa!
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